Thursday, June 7, 2007



Scanned by Inode on the 7th of June 2007


(a) Automated Answering

(f) Fax

(h) Human Answering

(m) Modem

(r) Ring Out

(s) Service Announcement

(t) Talk Line/Ad

(?) Unknown


800-848-8100 (a) (business)

800-848-8101 (t)

800-848-8102 (?) (rings then goes silent)

800-848-8103 (a) "Thank you for calling the Real Estate Information Line. Please enter the 4 digit ID number of the special report you are interested in."

800-848-8104 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8105 (h) (some business)

800-848-8106 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8107 (a) (vmb)

800-848-8108 (t)

800-848-8109 (t)

800-848-8110 (h) (some business chiq)

800-848-8111 (t)

800-848-8112 (a) (a poultry company (THE OTHER WHITE MEAT))

800-848-8113 (h) (some woman called Michelle with a b0n1s voice)

800-848-8114 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8115 (s) "Your call did not go through. Please try your call again. 024T"

800-848-8116 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8117 (r)

800-848-8118 (h) "Vona-troll Hello" (???)

800-848-8119 (a) (business)

800-848-8120 (a) (business)

800-848-8121 (a) (business)

800-848-8122 (a) (vmb)

800-848-8123 (a) (business)

800-848-8124 (t)

800-848-8125 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8126 (f)

800-848-8127 (a) (Freedom Mortages/Homeloans AHRGHRHHASH#$*()#$!@)

800-848-8128 (a) (Rogers Business Solutions)

800-848-8129 (t)

800-848-8130 (a) (special-agent voice) "Your call may be monitored or recorded for quality purposes"

800-848-8131 (a) (business - very friendly lady eventually answers)

800-848-8132 (a) (vmb)

800-848-8133 (t)

800-848-8134 (a) (cornell university)

800-848-8135 (a) "Please enter your prepaid card number"

800-848-8136 (a) "Please enter your prepaid card number"

800-848-8137 (a) (business)

800-848-8138 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8139 (t)

800-848-8140 (h) (some guy)

800-848-8141 (h) (some lady)

800-848-8142 (a) (business)

800-848-8143 (t)

800-848-8144 (h) (some lady)

800-848-8145 (t)

800-848-8146 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8147 (a) "Thank you for calling Crazy Fart" (???)

800-848-8148 (a) (business)

800-848-8149 (s) (A few notes of intro music, Busy Tone that fades out into "Sorry this number is not available at this time. Thank you. Goodbye")

800-848-8150 (a) (vmb)

800-848-8151 (a) (business)

800-848-8152 (?) (rings then goes silent)

800-848-8153 (a) (business)

800-848-8154 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8155 (?) (Pleasant-sounding dual frequency tones. (440hz and 620hz) tone. Low-High-Low-High-Low-High-Low-High)

800-848-8156 (s) "We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service"

800-848-8157 (a) (VMB, Very bad audio/interference. Sometimes without greeting. * gets "Enter PIN")

800-848-8158 (a) "Welcome to Rogers"

800-848-8159 (a) (business)

800-848-8160 (a) (business)

800-848-8161 (a) "Hi you've reached Jeff's 800 number" *# for the "Please enter your mailbox number" prompt

800-848-8162 (a) (Verizon)

800-848-8163 (h) (some lady)

800-848-8164 (b)

800-848-8165 (t)

800-848-8166 (a) "Thank you for calling Credit First National Association. Please enter your 6 digit score number"

800-848-8167 (a) (vmb)

800-848-8168 (a) (business)

800-848-8169 (f)

800-848-8170 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8171 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8172 (h) "Hello this is Joe, may I help you?"

800-848-8173 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8174 (a) (business)

800-848-8175 (t)

800-848-8176 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8177 (a) (business)

800-848-8178 (a) (business)

800-848-8179 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8180 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8181 (t)

800-848-8182 (h) (business)

800-848-8183 (t)

800-848-8184 (s) "The number you have dialed has a new number assistance service, for more information on the organisation responsible for the number you have dialed, please dial +1 876-536-5711 ... Brought to you Marina Telecom"

800-848-8185 (s) "Your call cannot be completed as entered ... 44-6-2-5"

800-848-8186 (a) (VMB of a lady who works for Marina Telecom, sometimes she actually answers)

800-848-8187 (t)

800-848-8188 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8189 (a) (business)

800-848-8190 (r) (unusual ringing tone)

800-848-8191 (a) (business)

800-848-8192 (a) (business)

800-848-8193 (a) "Welcome to the Church-is-Life Benefits Enrolement System" (asks for Social Security #)

800-848-8194 (a) (Verizon)

800-848-8195 (t)

800-848-8196 (?) (reorder)

800-848-8197 (a) (business)

800-848-8198 (t)

800-848-8199 (s) (Very strange service announcements)