Sunday, June 15, 2008

How To Contribute: Chromed Pork Radio

Why Contribute?

With so many individual podcasts, its hard to give a good justification to go to chromed pork over another podcast. Most of us contribute to Chromed Pork for editorial freedom and the absence of "dead lines"

Chromed Pork is about sharing information and not taking yourself too seriously. We see this as "grass roots" media, we don't strive to emulate existing media. In fact some efforts are made to sabotage mainstream adoption. Such efforts include occasional hoax information, irregular releases, missing and broken links on the site. (All of which may or may not contain hidden meaning.)

Chromed Pork listeners are expected to think for themselves and make up their own damn minds about stuff. We do the "show" for lolz, if your interested you can too.
When should I contribute?

Anytime, we will always accept content. To be part of our main Chromed Pork recording session hang out in IRC and ask around for details.
What should I contribute?

Anything interesting to geeks that we can host without getting "Take Down" notices. That said it should be your content, that YOU submit understanding that we will make the content publicly available.

We accept white-papers, TXT files, pictures, radio content, ideas, hate mail, brown nosing, tools, and more hate mail.
How long should shows be?

20 minutes to 3 hours of actual content (IE: at least 20 minutes not including music)
Can I be anonymous?

We defiantly recommend a pseudo-name , you wouldn't want future employers playing guesswork at how deeply you were involved with this sort of shady hangout. Any 'anonymous' submissions without a name will be credited to Roland, Logan, Rita, or Lola.
How/Where do I submit?

Contact us using any means found in the contact section. We'll arrange something.
Do I need to use the opening music?

We prefer that you use the chromed pork opening music even if only the first 5 seconds, don't want to confuse people. It can be found here. Many thanks to G-R41n J4h for allowing to use his track!
Any restrictions on closing music?

Yes, don't make a headache legal/political issue for us. Meaning try to keep it to things that can be shared freely. We always need to attribute the music to the proper musician.

Musicians/RIAA/Other concerned party's please contact us via email for any issues.
Can I talk about how I h4x0rd th4 g1bs0n?

Sure, we assume most hacker stories are what we like to call pseudo-fiction. Meaning they are either made up, blown out of proportion, or worse.

We keep no personally identifying information, and just assume its another "Bob" story. But don't think your completely safe to tell the world how you hacked NASA with a toothpick, floss, and bubble gum.
What shouldn't I contribute?

Copy restricted material, material that doesn't belong to you. Proprietary or confidential information or anything an agreement restricts you from telling

Any sort of DOC droppage. IE: real names, address's, phone numbers, other peoples email account info, social security numbers, ect, ect.

IE: don't be an ass
You guys suck! Can I contribute something about that?

Sure but try to have some other interesting content as well. Not episode driven flame wars, if you want to fight with another contributor it should be 1 podcast with both of you present to defend yourselves.

All else fails you could meet up at a con to settle things.
Can I get me some free webspace D00D?

Kindly go find a place to die.
I'm a n00b can I make something too?

Yes, elitism is for the insecure and lame. Remember stupidity can usually be cured, ignorance and arrogance often cannot. Just try to stay relevant.
Can I cover a topic thats already been covered?

Sure but please try to do equal or better coverage of the topic. Your submission must add something to the content. (even if its just max lolz)